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The ES system books

The Equicentral System books

These books will change your life. As a set as PDFs or paperbacks.

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The HRM books

The Horse Rider's Mechanic books

Improve your riding out of sight. As a set as PDFs or paperbacks.

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The HRM course

The Horse Rider's Mechanic course

Includes the HRM course videos and book set.

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The Equiculture course

The Equiculture course

Includes the EQUICULTURE course videos and Equicentral books 1 and 2

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Start our free mini-course straight away...

You can get all of our products in an instant, by signing up for THE EQUICULTURE MEMBERSHIP DEAL

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More of our products:

A management guide

Horse Properties - A Management Guide

The sustainable management of a horse property - learn how to create a win - win situation for yourself and your horse/s and your land.

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A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse - of Course

Understanding horse behaviour is a very important part of caring for horses. You owe it to them to understand what is important to them.

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Buying a horse property

Buying a Horse Property

Buying a horse property is probably the most expensive purchase you will ever make. Therefore, it is very important that you get it right.

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Online horse biz course

How to Develop an Online Equine Business

Would you like to get your equine business online? This course is for you - learn how to get your business online - fast.

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Would you like to learn more about Equiculture and HRM? The best way to do this is to sign up for the FREE course and/or PDF below:

Sign up for our FREE mini-course (it takes about 30 minutes to do)

By the end of this free mini-course, you will know a lot more about horses and pasture and how to manage them sustainably.

        Sign up for the FREE 23-page PDF 10 Common Position and Balance Checks for Riders

        This checklist will help you check for any problems you might have with your position and balance when riding.

              Read what people have to say about us and our work

              Julie Spencer USA

              ''The Equiculture approach to everything horsey - from how you manage your horses to how you ride - has been a revelation for me. My horses have benefited so much. My partner also loves this approach and is now much more involved in our improved 'horse lifestyle''.

              Paula King AUS

              ''Jane and Stuart Myers have changed our lives. I wish I had met them sooner. When you start to 'think outside the box' anything is possible, and this is what Jane and Stuart have made me do. The way I keep my horses now works with rather than against my principles.''

              Joanne Cooke UK

              ''... I like to support people who are trying to make positive change in the world. However my expectations of what I get for my money have been massively exceeded. You get loads of really great stuff. I'm loving working through the course and learning loads...''

              Read even more of what people have to say about us and our work
              equiculture logo

              We teach horse owners how to manage their land

              And to do it in a way that is good for: HORSES - by improving their welfare. PEOPLE - by saving them time and money. The ENVIRONMENT - by improving biodiversity and soil, creating habitat for wildlife, etc. A true win-win-win.

              equiculture logo

              I (Jane) am also a Rider Biomechanics coach - check out the links below to find out how I can help you rapidly improve your riding position and balance

              The Horse Rider's Mechanic (HRM)

              The Horse Rider's Mechanic ARTICLES & VIDEO blogs

              The Horse Rider's Mechanic course

              The Horse Rider's Mechanic books