Our podcasts & webinars - listen or watch, and learn about how to manage horses, land and more
Learn about horse pasture/land/grazing management, an alternative grazing system (The Equicentral System), manure management and much more.
These podcasts and webinars will get you thinking!
''I am already managing my horses and my land in this way as I bought the (brilliant by the way) Equiculture Course a couple of years ago. Watching this webinar just underlines that I am on the right track - thank you so much for your work Jane - you are an inspiration and the best friend horses worldwide could possibly have.''
Jenny Woodgrove - UK
Two podcasts of myself (Jane) being interviewed by Alex Kurland - (Horses for Future and The Clicker Center - USA) and Manda Scott (Author, Vet and Environmentalist - UK) 38 mins and 54 mins
About the first podcast with Alex Kurland and Manda Scott
About the second podcast with Alex Kurland and Manda Scott
''I would just like to say THANK YOU, I never thought that such a brilliant alternative to traditional housekeeping existed (which has always made me feel uncomfortable). I am now going to set about making changes big and small so that my wonderful horses can 'live their best life' :).''
Melanie Short - USA
''These podcasts, and your whole website in fact, are such a fantastic resource for horse owners. I plan to keep telling my friends so that together we can make the world a better place for horses. Incredibly I now also know that horses can play their part in making the world a better place for all - who would have thought it!!!!!!''
June Fisher - Aus
Would you like to learn more about our approach? The best way to do this is to sign up for the FREE mini course and/or PDF below:
Read more of what people have to say about us and our work
''The Equiculture approach to everything horsey - from how you manage your horses to how you ride - has been a revelation for me. My horses have benefited so much. My partner also loves this approach and is now much more involved in our improved 'horse lifestyle''.
Julie Spencer - USA
''Jane and Stuart Myers have changed our lives. I wish I had met them sooner. When you start to 'think outside the box' anything is possible, and this is what Jane and Stuart have made me do. The way I keep my horses now works with rather than against my principles.''
Paula King - AUS
''... I like to support people who are trying to make positive change in the world. However my expectations of what I get for my money have been massively exceeded. You get loads of really great stuff. I'm loving working through the course and learning loads...''
Joanne Cooke - UK

I (Jane) am also a Rider Biomechanics coach - check out the links below to find out how I can help you rapidly improve your riding position and balance
The Horse Rider's Mechanic (HRM)
The Horse Rider's Mechanic ARTICLES & VIDEO blogs
The Horse Rider's Mechanic course
The Horse Rider's Mechanic books