FREE mini-course about horses, pasture and grazing - sign up below:
We teach horse owners and horse managers worldwide how to create a better 'equine lifestyle' for their horses, themselves, and the wider environment. Get started immediately (as soon as you sign up, you will be taken straight to the course):

Get this FREE course by signing up here:
Please note: by signing up for this free course, you are also signing up to be on our mailing list, but you can self-unsubscribe at any time (every email we send has a self-unsubscribe link at the bottom). You will receive about five emails over the following week after signing up for this course, but after that, you will only hear from us very occasionally; we don't send emails very often 😁
This FREE video course is the only one of its kind - in the world. Put together by world-renowned equine grazing behaviour and ethical horse management specialists - Jane and Stuart Myers of Equiculture. This FREE course is all about horses, pasture management and grazing. Our approach includes permaculture, regenerative grazing and rewilding concepts.
What are people saying about the FREE Equiculture mini-course about horses, pasture and grazing:
"Wow, thank you so much Jane and Stuart, I have learned so much already!!" Jan - USA
"This is the sort of information that EVERY horse owner should have, thanks so much for what you do :)" Peter, Australia
"I love learning and this course was right up my street, very well done, really interesting and I feel as if I have gained some REALLY valuable information" Carole, UK
This FREE course includes three short videos about horses, pasture and grazing - learn about:
What grazing characteristics do horses have? You need to understand these to manage them, and the land.
How do equines live in the free-living (wild/feral) situation, and how does this compare to keeping them as domestic animals?
How do horses affect the land? Horses can actually be very good for the land; they just need the right management.
How can you improve the 'lifestyle' of your horse/s? Once you know how it is usually relatively easy to provide what they want and need.
Do your horse/s (and the environment) a BIG favour and take this FREE video course!
Read more of what people have to say about this FREE mini-course:
Anna Collins - USA
''I am so glad I came across this course. I have learned so much already. This information should be the norm for anyone who owns or manages horses. Thanks to you guys that is starting to happen.''
Jill Binks - AUS
''Thank you Jane and Stuart for all you do, this mini course is yet another brilliant innovation of yours. I have been following you for quite a few years now and you never disappoint.''
Steph Baxter - UK
''This course is so great, just the information I need right now. The subject of horses, pasture etc. is so difficult to find good information on. Thank you for providing this course. I have told all my friends 😁.''

Get this FREE course by signing up here:
Please note: by signing up for this free course, you are also signing up to be on our mailing list, but you can self-unsubscribe at any time (every email we send has a self-unsubscribe link at the bottom). You will receive about five emails over the following week after signing up for this course, but after that, you will only hear from us very occasionally; we don't send emails very often 😁