This page is about us, Jane and Stuart Myers - Equiculture. We teach horse owners / managers how to care and manage horses, land and the environment
Scroll down for information about our qualifications and experience you enjoy reading that kind of thing - but if you don't have time, or quite frankly can't be bothered (and we don't blame you), know this:
Our mission in life is to help horses and their owners have the best 'equine lifestyle' possible
It might sound cliché, but we mean it and here's why
We have spent our careers working with horses and learning extensively about how best to manage them and the land that they live on (pasture management). Our mentors are some of the best horsemen, horsewomen, academics and environmental experts worldwide.
Learning what we know has taken a lifetime of blood, sweat and tears, but you can benefit from our experience. We have been through it, so you don't have to.
How can we help you and your horse/s to live 'your best life'?
We give away lots of free information (articles/videos etc.) and have books and courses for sale. Our books and courses are moderately priced. We are renowned for overdelivering.
Equiculture - our strategy at a glance:

Our vision:
A world where the needs of domestic horses are met by providing them with a species-appropriate lifestyle that recognizes horses as part of an ecosystem, not separate from it.
Our mission:
To ensure domestic horses have the best life possible by educating horse owners about:

Our beliefs:
Domestic horses have innate behavioural and physical needs that should be met.
Domestic horses deserve the best life that we can provide for them.
Domestic horses can be managed in a way that is good for them and, at the same time, good for the wider environment.
All horse owners / managers should strive to continuously improve the 'lifestyle' of the horses in their care and be good land custodians.
Our ambitions:
To continue challenging myths about horses, horsekeeping, pasture, grassland and land management.
To continue to reach and challenge the thinking of a significant percentage of the horse-owning population.
To continue working closely with environmental organizations to deliver more information to horse owners.
To be the worldwide recognized authority on horse pasture management and the One Welfare approach to horse, human and environment management.
Here is some information about us, Jane and Stuart Myers
First, a magazine article written by Horses and People Magazine
Read even more of what people have to say about us and our work:
''We spent a very chilly but interesting afternoon with Jane and Stuart Myers of Equiculture learning how best to manage our land for happier, healthier horses, wildlife and biodiversity generally AND learning it's actually less work!!! Also increasing Carbon Capture. It's worth it!''
Deborah Meadon - star of BBC 2 Dragons Den TV show (UK)
Janet, QLD, Aus
''Jane and Stuart are just the best teachers. They have a VAST amount of knowledge (and they love to share it), coupled with down-to-earth attitudes, I have learned so much since meeting them...''
June, Hereford, UK
''I am the proud owners of horses and land kept in the 'Equicentral' way. What Jane and Stuart have done for humble me and my horses is way beyond what you would ever expect from people who are so well qualified.''
Mimi, Florida, USA
''Jane and Stuart have shown me a better way to keep my horses, to manage my land and to ride! I am so happy I came across their website a couple of years ago, I constantly tell all my friends about them...''
Jane Myers - Qualifications and Experience
General Overview - Stuart Myers
Jane Myers - Informal Biography
Jane Myers - AKA The Horse Rider's Mechanic
Some more information about us:
Jane and Stuart - Publications
Conferences and Expos we have presented at:
Jane Myers MSc (Equine) - Awards
Jane Myers MSc (Equine) - Memberships

I (Jane) am also a Rider Biomechanics coach - check out the links below to find out how I can help you rapidly improve your riding position and balance
The Horse Rider's Mechanic (HRM)
The Horse Rider's Mechanic ARTICLES & VIDEO blogs
The Horse Rider's Mechanic course
The Horse Rider's Mechanic books