The Equicentral System Books
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More about these books
These books are a bang up-to-date approach to horse and pasture/land management. They are written by Stuart and Jane Myers (MSc Equine Science) - international speakers on the subject of Sustainable Horsekeeping and recipients of a Churchill Fellowship in 2012.
Stuart and Jane Myers are world-renowned horse property, pasture management, equine grazing behaviour and ethical horse management specialists. Their approach includes Permaculture, Regenerative Agriculture and Rewilding concepts
Stuart and Jane show you how to keep your horse/s in a way that encompasses equine welfare and sound land management. This ONE WELFARE approach also considers your lifestyle, which is essential for successful Sustainable Horsekeeping.
Horsekeeping has changed dramatically in the last 30 to 40 years, and many new challenges face contemporary horse owners.
Do yourself, your horses, and the land a favour and read these books!
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Learn about the history of horse ownership, horse behaviour and welfare, their needs, preferred lifestyle and an alternative management system
In The Equicentral System Book 1 - Horse Ownership: Responsible, Sustainable, Ethical you will learn about:
How traditional horsekeeping practices developed / Issues for modern horse owners / Horse health and welfare concerns / The human factors / Horse overpopulation issues / Land degradation issues / The way forward / Sustainable horsekeeping
Horse behaviour, welfare and lifestyle / Naturally /living v domestic /living horses / The herd behaviour of horses / The grazing behaviour of horses / The pastured behaviour of domestic horses / Recognising stress in domestic horses / Enrichment for domestic horses
Pasture/grazing management (a simplified version of the more in /depth information in book 2) Pasture plants and grazing animals / Grazing systems / Basic pasture maintenance / Putting it all together
The Equicentral System / How The Equicentral System works / The Equicentral System benefits / Implementing The Equicentral System / Management solutions

If you own/manage horses you need to understand pasture. Buy the book that will turn you into a 'grass farmer' for horses!
In The Equicentral System Book 2 - Healthy Land, Healthy Pasture, Healthy Horses you will learn about:
Horses and pasture / The benefits of pasture / The importance of biodiversity / Pasture plants in their natural environment / Pasture plant characteristics / What to aim for / Misinformation about horses and pasture / What horses actually need / The importance of healthy pasture plants / Nutritional problems with pasture / Creating suitable pasture
Horses and land degradation / Weeds / Turning land degradation around / Mulching (using hay and other materials) / Creating swales
The importance of surfaced holding yards / 'Sacrifice areas'
Grazing management / Stocking rates / Grazing management systems / Set-stocking / Rotational grazing / Limited grazing / Strip grazing / Cross grazing / Soil, pasture and grazing management / Understanding soil
Horses and manure / The 'dunging behaviour' of horses / 'Horse-sick' pasture / Manure management strategies / Managing pasture manure and parasitic worms / Dung beetles and other insects / Picking up manure in paddocks / Managing collected manure / Chickens and horses / Using improved manure / Managing surplus manure
Pasture maintenance / Mowing / Harrowing / Conserving pasture / 'Foggage' ('standing hay')
Horses and water / Water as part of the natural system / The Riparian Zone / The next stage / Horses can damage this natural system / Creating and caring for a riparian zone / Conserving water / Water problems / Impure water / Sources of water / Mains water / Well (bore) water / Natural spring water / Streams and rivers / Storage of water / Water storage tanks / Farm dams (ponds/lakes) / Using water / Reticulating water / Irrigation / Planning for clean water
Horses and vegetation / Some of the benefits of trees and bushes / Trees and bushes as habitat for wildlife / Fodder trees and bushes / Windbreaks and firebreaks / Revegetation of steeper land / Easy areas to increase vegetation / Buying and planting / Protecting vegetation from horses / Poisonous trees and plants / A word about lawn mower clippings
Appendix: The Equicentral System / How The Equicentral System works / Additional information / The Equicentral System in practice / The Equicentral System benefits / Horse health/welfare benefits/ Time saving benefits / Cost saving benefits / Safety benefits / Land/environmental management benefits / Public perception benefits / Manure and parasitic worm management benefits / Implementing The Equicentral System / On your own land / On small areas of land / On large areas of land / In different climates / Using existing facilities / On land that you lease / On a livery yard (boarding/agistment facility) / With single horses in 'private paddocks' / Starting from scratch / Minimising laneways / Temporary laneways / Constructing a holding area / Constructing a shade/shelter / Fencing considerations / Management solutions / Feeding confined horses / Changing a horse to 'ad-lib' feeding / Ideas for extra exercise / Introducing horses to herd living / The Equicentral System - in conclusion

A horse property is probably the most expensive asset you will ever own - make sure you invest in the correct information!
In The Equicentral System Book 3 - Horse Property Planning and Development you will learn about:
Horse housing/holding facilities /Surfaced holding yards / Shade and shelter / Stables
Fences and gates /Fence and gateway safety / Fence visibility / Fence dimensions / Fence types / Droppers/battens/stays / Gates and gateways
Riding arenas and training yards /Do you really need one? / Can this area be multi /purpose? / Riding arena, training yard or both? / Indoor or outdoor? / All /weather surface size and shape / Base and surface / Fencing your all /weather surface / All /weather surface lights / All /weather surface maintenance
Horse facility planning /Making a plan / Planning horse property infrastructure
Appendix: The Equicentral System / How The Equicentral System works / The Equicentral System benefits / Implementing The Equicentral System / Management solutions
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Read what people have to say about us and our work:
Julie Spencer - USA
''The Equiculture approach to everything horsey - from how you manage your horses to how you ride - has been a revelation for me. My horses have benefited so much. My partner also loves this approach and is now much more involved in our improved 'horse lifestyle''.
Paula King - AUS
''Jane and Stuart Myers have changed our lives. I wish I had met them sooner. When you start to 'think outside the box' anything is possible, and this is what Jane and Stuart have made me do. The way I keep my horses now works with rather than against my principles.''
Joanne Cooke - UK
''... I like to support people who are trying to make positive change in the world. However my expectations of what I get for my money have been massively exceeded. You get loads of really great stuff. I'm loving working through the course and learning loads...''

I (Jane) am also a Rider Biomechanics coach - check out the links below to find out how I can help you rapidly improve your riding position and balance
The Horse Rider's Mechanic (HRM)
The Horse Rider's Mechanic ARTICLES & VIDEO blogs
The Horse Rider's Mechanic course
The Horse Rider's Mechanic books